http://www.tomflocco.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=9Consider the following from some of the widely-available but leaked Diebold internal memos: On April 12, 2000, former Global Election Systems (now Diebold) support specialist Mike Brown asked "What is Global's stand on using cell phones with AccuVote? Are there any written instructions?" ...
"But California voters may want to know if anyone with a cell-phone could transfer or intercept the voting tabulation, and also whether each cell-phone used was individually certified and identified prior to its use while managing normal election procedures.
"Diebold sales representative Steve Knecht wrote on April 12, 2000 that "We are using cell phones in Tulare and Marin ," while also introducing a rather curious, unfamiliar electronic election official called a 'rover:' "Rovers are the ones who are given the cell phone with the modem for end of night totals upload, not the precinct worker, at least in these two locations."
"Guy Lancaster, Diebold software programmer, wrote on April 12, 2000, regarding cell phones: "I know of no written instructions," leading us to wonder if there were rules and traceable documentation, or why cell phones were being used in the first place or who was certifying and identifying the phones and their numbers prior to an election--and what security issues were involved.
Diebold support specialist Juan A. Rivera wrote on April 14, 2000 that "In Puerto Rico we did use cell phones with AccuVote successfully," adding much more significant information: "If the connection can support a decent voice conversation, the AccuVote will work via a cell phone. Also, we did not have to dial the phone manually; the AccuVote did that just as if it was connected to the wall jack." And for those California voters interested in more intricate ballot-tabulation maneuvers on Tuesday, Rivera reports that "On the new cells, they have an adaptor for connecting your lap-top to the internet with an RG-11 connector available. This will also do the trick."