Call them what they are: Pro-War, Anti-Peace
If they call themselves Pro-Bush, then by extension they must also be Pro-Cheney, Pro-Rumsfeld, Pro-torture, Pro-Halliburton, Pro-Big Oil, Pro-lying, Pro-cronyism, anti-environment, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-poor, Pro-Saudi, etc... If they object, remind them that they just said they were Pro-Bush, Mr. "you're either with us or against us". Bush doesn't see shades of gray, everything is black or white (literally and figuratively). So if they claim to support Bush, they must then also accept, support, and defend his positions, decisions, appointments, lies, failures, and crimes. You're either with him or against him.
As for Pro-choice/Pro-Life -- You can't claim to be Pro-life if you are pro-war. Unless they've changed the definition of "life", if you claim a philosophy of "pro-life", you cannot then support anything that would bring about an end to life. You cannot claim to be "pro-life" if you support people who bomb abortion clinics. You cannot claim to be "pro-life" if you support people who shoot doctors that perform abortions. You cannot claim to be "pro-life" if you support a spoiled, rich, frat-boy, cokehead, achoholic imbecile who sends the sons and daughters of other people off to fight an elective war based on lies where the only clear goal is misguided "patriotism". pro-choice/anti-choice or pro-abortion/anti-abortion