I was hardly home at all yesterday, and missed how things went at the protest in DC. From everything I gather (from DU and other internet sources) it was a huge success with maybe a quarter million to a half million people in attendance. (Correct me if I have it wrong). Anyway, I have also gleaned that the MSM largely ignored the event. I guess CNN for one doesn't have the resources to cover two major stories at once, as in Rita and the DC protest (Don't even get me started on their AWOL coverage of Iraq). Yeah, that's it. The corporate toadies running 24/7 (and the networks) once again flexing their muscle. As time goes on I'm believing more and more that a lot of reporters as individuals, or perhaps as a collective, are INDEED largely progressive in their personal views...but their POV's are quite simply stymied by their front office overlords. Witness the coverage in the aftermath of Katrina. It was, by anyone's standards - especially those of the MSM - pretty harsh to Chimpco. And now look at it. Can't even get a bloody two minute live shot from the rally from a bloody novice reporter from a bloody local Washington affiliate. Bloody awful. :puke: