Why are you spending time trying to fry the president of the LA parrish once again for his heart wrenching story about the woman who died in the nursing home after Hurricane Katrina? I am outraged. He never accused anyone particular level of government of murder. He simply wanted someone to stop wasting time with news conferences and get busy. The bottom line is that the woman died because she was caught in the flood water and no one got to her or her fellow residents. The blame issues were not what he was talking about. The American public get it, Timmy. It is only the media who don't get it.
Your attack on this man today is an abomination. It is so clear that you were told to take the heat off of your benefactors from this man's story.
What I am pleased about is that this man handed you your ass, Timmy. Yeah, maybe he has some issues in his past. Who of us doesn't, Timmy? His basic story is real. Stop trying to attack the locals. They are going through hell. Start asking some real questions about real issues, Timmy. This was never a real issue, was it?
You are a propaganda tool, Timmy. The only reason I watch your show is to find out the White House spin of the week. It is hard work, isn't it Timmy? What are you going to do about access to the White House when Rove is gone, Timmy? Are you going to rely on your laurels? If so, I would give up your day job if I were you.