Bev and pals,
Just so you know - I gave BBVReport.org a BIG plug today on our IE AMERICA Top of the Hour News read.. it gets out to a lot of folks.. Brick and Mortar stations, satellite, etc.
also forwarded a vote complaint to your site.. looks like they are using PROVISIONAL Ballots a LOT..
Might want to check into that..
Here's the copy I wrote/read, don't know what will get chopped out -- it's a three minute news spot total..
************** California voters can submit voting experiences or problems today at a site Sponsored by Black Box Voting, an organization working to force touch screen voting machine makers to use computer code that is absolutely secure.
Author Bev Harris, of Black Box Voting.com has claimed to have documented what appears to be hundreds of potential security flaws in the machines that could lead to "realtime" improper tallying of votes - coupled with the fact that the voting machines do not generate any sort of receipt or paper trail should a recount be necessary.
They are asking anyone to report any unusual or egregious problems to BBVreport.org. The BBV team will also contact the media and direct them to the scene of the action.