My friends, there exists 2 vital chinks in the armor of the Far Right.
1. Homophobes v. Coors
After it was caught red handed participating in nefarious activities. The Coors Brewing Company has pledged meager amounts of 'help' to those it allows discrimination and fear-mongering against.
Coors supports GLAAD.
Even though this about all Coors does, this could appear to the Homophobic Nazis that Coors is supportive of the 'gay agenda'.
Proposed method of getting this going - Pose as RW'ers and tell groups like AFA that the Coors Brewery supports the 'gay agenda'.
2. Anti-Choicers v. Scaife
Richard Mellon Scaife is Pro-Choice. He has been known to send money to groups such as Planned Parenthood.
Pose as RW'ers and tell Anti-Choice groups that Scaife's Treasure Chest for the RW'ers is nothing but dirty money.
If ONE of these two ideas work out, we will then see serious de-funding of the Far Right.