1) Lt. Gov. has very little direct power in California. Kinda like the vice pres of the U.S.
2) Immediately after the vote count is certified
3) Arnold will still have a movie career if he loses. If he wins, he may wind up spending the rest of his action-star years (which are limited) in politics.
4) Yes, but we can't start collecting signatures for a couple of months and can't actually initiate an election until he's been in office for 6 months. Either way, I'd say it's VERY unlikely to succeed and would only solidify Arnold's position and leave Cali dems with egg on their face.
5) National implications? I don't think so, unless Arnold is really willing to let them completely subvert the vote in California. The worst implications though are for the state. Unions/laborers here are gonna be screwed. Worker's comp is gonna become a joke. We'll have offshore drilling up and down the coast. We'll kiss our beautiful forests and other natural resources goodbye, etc. etc.