First, our great nation suffered a surprise attack, without any warning, on our SOIL on 9/11, which changed the world. This world has an axis of evil, part of which attacked us, that has sought WMD and supports terror. Saddam is a bad man who used WMD on his own people. He started wars against our allies. He tortures prisoners. The world is safer without him. He has stockpiled WMD to be used in 45 minutes against the US, because of his Al Qaida connections, along with his yellowcake and aluminum tubes. His remote planes could have struck us in 45 minutes. He is an enemy to Israel so therefore, he had to go. And the whirled is a shaper place because of it.
Saddam is evil because he hates us for our freedoms. The terrorists hate us for our freedoms. Saddam hates democracy, and after we flattened Falujah, our efforts to allow them to pick their own constitution have been a total success. They now have a country they run democratically. Which would you rather have, an axis country under Saddam, or a freedom loving democracy that we now have in Iraq? Would you want that bad man back, Saddam, that evil terrorist guy, in power, ready to gather his WMD and invade the US? You traitor!
Oh by the way, to protect our freedoms that they hate so much, especially Saddam, we are seeking Patriot II which will protract our freedoms even more against thugs and evil bad men like Saddam - which he hates.
Oh, by the way, Saddam's neighbors are also complicit, including Syria, Iran, Jordan, and other countries.
Pakistan? naw. They did not spread WMD or nuke technology, other than what we know about, but that is under control because we are aware where it went.
But we are getting good news from Iraq, without that freedom hating Saddam. First, things are much better there now than ever before. The new elected leaders love us for our freedoms. They support our freedoms and they don't have WMD. And now we know that they have no yellow cake or centrifuges, so that is another success from our Iraqi invasion. Now that we know that those do not exist, we can take credit for them not being there. It is because we invaded now that Saddam never had those weapons before. It is matter of perspective. Neoconmanism is right, and all you foolish-librul, troop-hating, traitors just don't get it. That's ok. With our new freedoms, we will have new places for you. soon.
Trust us. We know more than you. Or anyone. So, just let us have our way, and everyone will be hippy. Really. We mean it. Ignore that man behind that curtain.