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Too Bad They Won't Absorb It
John K. Lunde - Corinna, Maine
Wow! Excellent! Water off a duck's back, of course, but good water.
Take a Step Back
Frederick Bartlett - Hamilton, N.J.
American politics is fundamentally broken. Most citizens regard federal spending as "free money" and see no reason ever to say "no" to it. It is simply ridiculous that we allow the feds to take so much of our money and beyond risible that we are so grateful when they give some of it back.
It is time, I fear, for conservatives to return to the wilderness of 50 years ago and campaign for the repeal of the 16th Amendment. And it is worth mentioning that the campaign for the passage of that amendment was based on a lie: my grandfather told me that the politicians of the time all promised that the income tax would never amount to more than 3% of anyone's income--but, of course, that wasn't written in the text.
Nearly all federal non-military spending is, strictly speaking, unconstitutional. Highways, education, Social Security, Medicare, etc. all run afoul of any reasonable reading of the Commerce Clause and the 9th and 10th Amendments.
Losing It
Gary Darling - Rogers, Ark.
It's about time a leading Republican author speaks about the "elephant" in the room. Mr. Bush--bless his heart--is losing it.
A Billion Reasons to Vote Them Out
Ken Zwick - Ocala, Fla.
Congress is where the blame for runaway spending should be placed. The president is no doubt a big spender, but Congress must approve the expenditures. Instead they add their own pork-barrel projects to spending bills. They are like idiotic kids in a candy shop. Billions upon billions of dollars are wasted by these people who hold the highest political offices in our country, but are incapable of setting priorities or attainable goals (the basic principles of a business leader).
Someone should tell them the meaning of billions. Putting it in some perspective: a billion seconds ago, it was 1959; a billion minutes ago, Jesus Christ was alive. We are broke congressmen. The cupboard is bare! Save our country and do not run again.
We Need Fiscal Conservatism
Louis Laffin - Oshkosh, Wis.
It might help to accept the following future course of the Republican Party: Conservative is being solely defined politically in terms of social engineering and has nothing to do with fiscal restraint.