The FauxNews website is still flacking his "debate" with Phil Donahue. I sent him the following:
O'Reilly, Under no stretch of the imagination can your encounter with Phil Donahue be termed a "debate". You did what those of your ilk always do, stick your finger in the opponents face and try to shout them down. Unhappily for you, Mr. Donahue knows how to deal with a bully, and he handed you your ass. I do, however, appreciate your posting a "transcript" of the incident. You see, some of us who watched it live enjoyed it so much that we wanted to read the "transcript" as well. Imagine my surprise when the alleged "transcript" of the meeting failed to reflect what was actually said. Phil Donahue stated that Cindy Sheehan had already suffered the hardest blow a mother could absorb. You, with all the empathy for which you are now justly famous, replied, "How?" Phil responded, "She lost a son." You nimbly and glibly rejoined, "Oh, OK." But the "transcript" has been altered so as not to reflect the exchange. So now we know what the macho man, Mr. No Spin himself does when his own words reveal him to be an even bigger douche bag than had been previously thought. He stands straight and tall, looks the world squarely in the eye ... and edits the transcript. I've always known you were a clown, Billy, but I thought you at least had the stones to stand behind your own words. Now I see that you are a candy-ass as well. Sincerely,
P.S. To whoever reads O'Reilly's mail. Unless you've got brass balls/ovaries, I realize the O'Reilly is unlikely to ever read this. But if he is as big an asshat as people who have had to work with him tell me he is, then hopefully you can at least get a few laughs out of it.