Swing State ProjectThe Most Important Election of 2005 -- Get Involved TodayPosted by Tim Tagaris
Yes, Paul Hackett was big. Yes, Tim Kaine's bid for Governor of Virgina is important. And yes, John Corzine as the next Governor of New Jersey is something we can all look forward to. But if there is one race is 2005, more than any listed above, that we should all begin to rally around, today, it is the amendments put forward by the group known as
Reform Ohio Now.
With less than a month to go before August 2nd, the blogosphere began to rally around Paul Hackett's campaign for U.S. Congress in Ohio's 2nd Congressional District. Whatever the reason you cared (a fighting Democrat or you as a Democrat just wanting a fight), the world took notice of our efforts while the collective blogosphere set the terms of the debate for 2006. Reform Ohio Now is the equivalent of six Paul Hacketts...And then some.
Four amendments, Issues 2-5 on the ballot; all important, but possibly none bigger than the SIX U.S. HOUSE SEATS we gain if "State Issue Four" passes this November.
To summarize
Reform Ohio Now would:
Logically re-district Ohio, which would un-gerrymander it and allow us to win 6 house seats.
Allow for more absentee voting allowing many more Ohioans to vote.
Dramatically reduce the amount of money an individual or PAC can give to a candidate. Now the limit for an individual is $25000, if the resolution passes the limit will be reduced to $500-$1000.
Replace the secretary of state with a non-partisan 9 member board, much like a board of elections (Goodbye Ken Blackwell!). This would ensure fairer elections and be a big step in the fight against black box voting.
How you can help:
1.) Contribute to
Reform Ohio NowBelieve it or not, money is an issue. The organization is having a tough time raising the funds necessary to pass these amendments. The effort on-the-ground is no different than a traditional campaign in that is needs dollars and volunteers. Which leads me to number two.
Volunteer On The GroundThis is especially true if you are inside Ohio. Like I said above, this is no different than a traditional campaign. Door-knocking, phone banking, and doing the dirty work of democracy is absolutely essential if we are going to pass Issues 2-5.
Visit Pounder's DiaryGrow Ohio & Daily Kos contributor, Pounder, has been out in front of the issues and provided a great mechanism for people to get involved in a meaningful way, wherever you are in the United States.
Sign-up at Grow OhioGrow Ohio will serve as sort of an online hub for information on the progress of Reform Ohio Now. During Hackett, you never really knew where to get the best up-to-the-second information. Sometimes Bob and I wrote at Swing State Project, a Kos Diary, or MyDD. In this situation, Grow Ohio will be the flash point for information and resources; the scoop format of the blog allows individuals to contribute content directly to the site, making it perfect to encourage discussion and participation.