Edited on Mon Sep-26-05 01:42 PM by cssmall
Ms. Sheehan's arrest today was possibly one of those moments, much like in the Civil Rights era (and by NO means am I equating her with that movement), in which, people finally begin to understand. Arrested for nothing. Arrested for praying on a sidewalk in front of the White House. She was breaking no laws, one can loiter on a public sidewalk.
In fact (to trolls), this is a wonderful undermining of the First Amendment. Tragic, to say the least, this may well convict those who are on the fence about the war to be against it. You see, it's within our Constitution that we can disagree, we can assemble and we can protest. That is what America is: the freedom to speak freely, in a group or movement, against something that is percieved (fairly, I believe) as morally and socially bankrupt, though the government is getting close to being monetarily broke as well.
Today. . .September 25, 2005. . . was the click heard 'round the world. The world is watching and we look no better than Nazi Gestapo and Soviet KGB. And, they thought so much better of us, or at least, we ACTED like there was so much more to us. But, Bush, Rove and the rest of their beleagured and disgusting ilk proved how they treat Americans that don't agree with them: they let thousands drown (read Coulter's words about those who didn't get out and died), they sent thousands to die, and now. . . they've arrested a mother who lost a son that doesn't want any other mother to feel what she'd felt. Applause is due to the American way of life, because this is dangerous precedent.