What is the first rule of business?
You trade with the other locals. If you want business, you have to give business. It just makes good sense.
So contrast with Iraq. This country was a self-sustaining country before the invasion. They have plenty of qualified people to rebuild their country. Why is it a stretch for anyone to see that bringing in foreign businesses to rebuild THEIR country would bring anger and resentment? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that their vision of THEIR country is going to be different. Imagine Russians coming in to rebuild YOUR town if there was an invasion. It wouldn't be to your liking. Now, again, Louisiana is going to need to be rebuilt. Why are we contracting with someone else to rebuild THEIR state.
Only one phrase comes to mind..."To the victor go the spoils", and the "spoils" in this administration are being funnelled straight to Buscho and Halliburton.
How ANYONE defend this type of croneyism is beyond me.:shrug: