I just got an email from MoveOn.org about all the cuts that Republicans want to make to the budget (some 900 billion). They want to cut minority programs, subsidized loans to grad students, medicaid, NPR,the CDC, Amtrak, and on and on.
Now would be a good time for the Democratic Leadership to come up with their *OWN* list of items that can be cut from the budget - to show that we ARE fiscally responsible AND compassionate towards the poor at the same time.
This thread is for suggestions, in case any of the Dems are here reading and have the guts to actually take initiative...
Starting things off...someone can fill in actual figures and more suggestions:
1 - Cut Abstinence Only Education Programs 2 - End the War in Iraq 3 - Cut defense spending 4 - All that transportation spending (Pelosi offered to cut hers!) 5- Roll back the tax cut to the wealthy 6- Cut NASA spending 7- Ax the Bridge to Nowhere in Alaska 8 - Don't buy back that presidential yacht...