I had two things to say and decided to combine in one post - there are serious implications all over the place. The Dems need to play it smart and the repukes could be looking at, finally, the big body blow. Sorry for the length--can't say it in two snappy sentences.
Couple days ago I saw late at night a political analyst who I've never seen before and his "interview" was on tape. He hit right into something I've been following and was shown just hours earlier in a NY Times Poll.
He said that this CIA leak thing is very critical to this White House because, despite Bush's falling numbers, the American people still look upon him as honest, honorable and "restoring dignity to the White House". He said that after all the crap (ie., Iraq lying mess, economy, etc.) this is the only thing they have left. He said that if this exposes them as lying, cover-up artists, corrupt, etc. that the "White House will fold like a house of cards" and crumble. Before you think this guy is a right wing shill, I knew exactly what he was talking about because I have followed it over the months in these polls (the numbers that don't make the headlines). And, just hours before was the NYTimes/CBS poll that again told the tale.
In general, it was a super great poll for us Dems. His numbers were sinking. 50% thought the asshole couldn't handle any future crisis. The majority said Iraq was NOT worth it. The majority said the country was going in the wrong direction and his "negatives" were high. BUT then there were two questions that dealt with this "honesty/integrity/good person/Christan gent type of crap. And despite all of this, the bastard rated in the 60th percentile-----in other words, we have a Ronnie on our hands. Despite even being lied to in order to go to war and kill a hell of a lot of people, they don't blame the golden boy. Remember, we thought they would hate him for the economy in '02, but polls showed after that the people didn't blame HIM for it. Yep, I know, how much more in the way of lies, graft, corruption do we have to show the people before they say: "Ya, know, sweetheart, I done don't think that boy is good"!!! We have to literally go after this perception of him being "good"...we need to personally destroy him. The Dems need to keep harping on this CIA matter and then they have to do more of the personal destruction......and that brings me to my second point.
Have you noted how the WH is portraying this CIA issue?? They are trying to smear Wilson with something far worse than being a bin Laden cult member---they are saying he probably is an EVIL DEMOCRAT--liberal, and all that crap. This is where we need our candidates and our party screaming. In a word, does this excuse the "outing" of a CIA agent?? Is it okay if the agent is or is related to a filthy Dem and thus, is of no concern if outed??? Are the laws only written to protect repukes?? Is this what this country has come to??--- if so,then a half a million more people who voted for Gore over Georgie are in danger because they are not to be protected by this government. It's like me saying that I killed someone but since I can tell you why they deserved to die, the law doesn't apply to me and I should walk on the charges. Do you see what I mean??--they are trying to tell us that the WH actions in outing this person are okay 'cause it's just a Democrat. I hope one of our people wakes up and shoves this right back into their faces because it helps to highlight how this administration feels it's okay to put a Dems life as risk and be justified in doing so. This point, right now, should be the latest headline...we are missing the boat here. We need to keep on pressing because, just like I pointed out in the beginning, we need to expose this creature as a dishonorable, filthy vermin. come on Dem candidates, start screaming on how the WH is handling this.