...what's really wrong with the Democratic party? Do you want to know how to fix it?
Are you *truly* interested in electing chief executives again?
OK, fine. Here's what to do. Presidential elections are always won(like, every single one) in the middle of the spectrum. Democrats have become too closely identified with the extremes on social issues - that's why they always lose in the south and the number of those southern districts is only going to increase over the next several generations. You don't have to like it - it doesn't matter what you and I think. This is reality.
If you don't want to see future Democratic candidates nominated at convention and then destroyed in some kind of religious sacrifice, you'll have to change who you're nominating. That's a fact. The Deans and Dukakises and Mondales of the party are not electable in this brave new world. How are you gonna get Bubba to vote for a gay rights candidate? YOU'RE NOT. You can cry all you want and have a few drinks over it but get real...this is WAR.
Your party MUST change. Union membership is way down as a percentage of the population, because manufacturing jobs are down and they're gonna stay down because of NAFTA and GATT - which your man signed into law. If Democrats had more appeal among middle class suburbanites, that wouldn't be a problem - but they don't, so it's another hurdle.
Concerning abortion, it's a dead issue. Feminism and guy bashing are unpopular. Cable networks such as Spike would never sell during the Seventies but they're immensely popular today. Girls want to marry and have kids. They WANT the big house and Suburban. Time did an interview with Kate Michelman several years ago in which she stated that most legislation would henceforth come from the states and "they aren't our friends" was the phraseology she used. She won the legal battles and lost the ideological war...tell me something we didn't know!
About half the party should be thrown over the side. Don't have the stomach for it? OK, I guess you enjoy losing. The number of southern districts is only increasing. That means places like Texas, Georgia and North Carolina are growing in power, while places like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois are declining in power. Where's Delay from? Houston. Where was Gingrich from? Atlanta. Where's Sessions from? Dallas. Where's Liddy Dole from? North Carolina. Where's Lindsey Graham from? South Carolina. You're being governed by people who hate your guts and it's time to do something about it.
The party must become more moderate. If that means splitting it in two, then that's what it means...but the more conservative side will pick up disaffected moderate Republicans who see real problems that aren't being (and won't be) addressed by the Republicans: Social Security reform, Medicare reform, erosion of the manufacturing base and illegal immigration are just a start.
There's a real opportunity here - and you're busy crying in your beer. It's so sad and so unnecessary.