I couldn't make the rally in DC and had trepidations about how A.N.S.W.E.R. would send a message that watered down the real intentions of the march.
I've been to a few peace marches before and during the Bush Crime Family Iraq wars in the early 1990's and 2002-3 and whenever A.N.S.W.E.R. was allowed to fully let loose with speakers on other agendas (Philippines, Marxism, Palestinian struggle, sexism, immigrants' rights, LGBT rights, Cuba/Castro, Mumia, death penalty...), it took time and focus away from the message. These marches were in NYC, DC and SF. While I agree on 90% of the issues the speakers would talk about, it just made the whole event muddled. So many people from all walks of life and even political persuasions would show up at these rallies and wonder why someone was talking about how evil Israel is for 20 minutes followed by someone else with another issue not related to the war.
From what I've read on a lot of the posts from people who made it to DC (thanks for getting yourselves there), it sounds like A.N.S.W.E.R. had a fairly minor presence. Yes, CSPAN played a lot of the Palestinian and Arab speakers on their stage, but it sounds like it was not the main focus of the event.
DFA, AirAmerica, MoveOn and others (progressive Christian groups!) need to fill an alternative to A.N.S.W.E.R.-sponsored marches in the future, if only to show that A.N.S.W.E.R. does not always have to be the answer when it comes to peace marches.
I'd be glad to help out in any way I can. And for those that made it to DC or any other town to protest....thanks!