Edited on Tue Oct-07-03 07:34 PM by JanMichael
I just finished, "It Can't Happen Here", by Sinclair Lewis and he called his American Fascist "Corpos" and it really seemed to fit.
Basically the book has America being taken over by popularly elected Fascists ("Right/Conservative" versions of Huey Long I guess) who start by promising everyone money (This was the Depression. I see it the same as the Tax Cut mantra today) and fuzzy ideas like Freedom & Liberty. Funny thing happened on the way to the free bank to collect our checks, they sieze full control of the government and immediately start empowering a volunteer militia (Brown Shirts called Minute Men...) to enforce doctrine. Like today most middle class types (I include myself in that) don't figure out how dangerous monkeys like that are until it's too late. So the rout starts. Not to viscious at first...But once you start rounding up large numbers of Liberal, Leftists and generally cranky people, the "re-education camps" get crowded & mean. Of course the Media is coerced into not criticising the Government and only writing nice stories about the Leaders.
While Corporatists is perhaps more accurate some rather uninformed types might actually hear that and think it was a "Good" thing. I don't think Corpo has that same quality. It's short and rather brutish...Maybe it mocks them a tad too.
What do you think?