I was reading James Kunstler's blog (kind of alarmist, but there's plenty of truth here):
http://jameshowardkunstler.typepad.com/clusterfuck_nation/he talks about the coming catastrophic rise in natural gas prices that's going to hit us all this winter, and of course gasoline prices as well. (here's a link to what's going to happen to me in South Carolina:
http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/12729183.htmAnd he hits on a very important point:
"This, of course, is the predicament of the Democrats, my own party. They have no interest in modifying the nation's suicidal suburban sprawl lifestyle either, only in the easy pretenses of political correctness. Instead of twanging on WMDs and the depravity of the war in Iraq, I'd like to hear someone like Harry Shearer (or John Kerry, or Nancy Pelosi, or Harry Reid) stand up and pitch for restoring the US passenger rail system. I'd like to hear some of these assholes propose some meaningful changes that Americans can make in behavior so we won't be so desperate to engage in military contests over the oil we need to drive for sushi in Los Angeles."
He's dead right - the democratic leadership in Washington spends all of it's time bitching about what Bush is doing, just reacting ( a lot of people on this forum are caught in the same trap), instead of pushing an alternative agenda that would address the long-term structural problems our society is facing. And not only by not pushing National Health Insurance, but on this energy issue. The U.S. needs to stop pissing away all of it's money on the military and this war in Iraq Bush can't win, and put it to developing new sources of energy.
Someone from our party is going to have to step up to the plate, take a risk and inform the American people that we need a whole new set of priorities.