As depressed as I am now, I'm waiting until tomorrow AM before throwing the ultimate fit about how fickle and degenerate the population of America is.
Of course, I'm not a Californian. Enron and Cheney's corporate buddies screwed up the state something awful. And the few snippets I've read here have stated that Davis has not said one SYLLABLE of this to the public in order to exonerate himself (suggesting Davis is a wuss because he didn't want to tell the truth or just plain dim for not saying so.) I'm not a californian, so the info I read could be misleading and I can't prove it one way or the other.
Even if Davis had spoken volumes of repuke and corporate treachary, would the public have listened? They seem to be quite happy wantng to vote in a two-bit actor who is 6 times the womanizing sleaze that Clinton was... The hypocrisy and double-standard that the American people tolerate is almost too much. Why be ultra-accepting of Arnold when he's done things far worse than anything Clinton did, and more frequently too.
Why didn't Davis pull the same gambit as the pukes, though I'll admit it would be stupid for him to use that issue as the only means to make himself look better than Arnold.
It boggles the mind.
At least Bustamente was upfront and honest about his beliefs. Unfortunately, honesty kills politicians.
Davis ends up being a scapegoat for the wrongdoing his opposition is guilty of.
The opposition also says if you work hard in America, you succeed.
The opposition is nothing but a pack of lies.
We need to shape up in 2004, or else nothing will stop me from voting elsewhere, if anywhere at all. When it's the beginning of the end, it makes no point to even bother. x(