Look carefully at who's giving out "advice" for dissidents:
http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=7851The Reporters Without Borders FraudThe strong suspicions that have surrounded the dubious and partisan activities of Reporters without Boarders (RSF) were not unfounded. For many years, various critics have denounced the largely political actions of the Parisian entity, particularly with regards to Cuba and Venezuela, whose characteristics that utilizes propaganda is obvious. The positions of RSF against the governments of Havana and Caracas are found in perfect correlation with the political and media war that Washington carries out against the Cuban and Venezuelan revolutionaries.
Finally the truth has come to light. Mr. Robert Ménard, secretary general of the RSF for twenty years, has confessed to receiving financing from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an organization that depends on the U.S. Department of State, whose principal role is to promote the agenda of the White House for the entire world. Ménard was indeed very clear. “We indeed receive money from the NED. And that hasn’t posed any problem.” (1)
Former U.S. president, Ronald Reagan, created the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in 1983, during a period in which military violence took the place of traditional diplomacy in order to resolve international matters. Thanks to its powerful ability of financial penetration, the NED’s goal is to weaken governments that would oppose the foreign hegemonic power of Washington. (2) In Latin America, the two targets are Cuba and Venezuela.
(more at link)
http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=7951Reporters Without Borders UnmaskedWhen Robert Menard founded Reporters Without Borders twenty years ago, he gave his group a name which evokes another French organization respected worldwide for its humanitarian work and which maintains a strict neutrality in political conflicts Doctors Without Borders. But RSF (French acronym) has been anything but nonpartisan and objective in its approach to Latin America and to Cuba in particular.
From the beginning, RSF has made Cuba its No. 1 target. Allegedly founded to advocate freedom of the press around the world and to help journalists under attack, the organization has called Cuba "the world's biggest prison for journalists." It even gives the country a lower ranking on its press freedom index than countries where journalists routinely have been killed, such as Colombia, Peru and Mexico. RSF has waged campaigns aimed at discouraging Europeans from vacationing in Cuba and the European Union from doing business there its only campaigns worldwide intended to damage a country's economy.
The above is not a matter of chance because it turns out that RSF is on the payroll of the U.S. State Department and has close ties to Helms-Burton-funded Cuban exile groups.
(more at link)
http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=8612The Lies Of Reporters Without BordersIn a July 6, 2005 statement, Reporters without Borders (RSF) responded to charges related to its obsession with Cuba, its hidden links to the U.S. government and certain multinationals, as well as its relationship with organizations which carry out dubious activities--including some closely linked to international terrorism.
Ménard denies he receives money from Washington but admits to receiving grants from the Center for a Free Cuba. He neglects to mention, however, that this organization is financed by the U.S. through USAID and the NED. He does not emphasize the fact that it is directed by Frank Calzón, a member of the extreme fascist Cuban right, former leader of a student group, Abdala, which later turned to terrorism, and former director of the Cuban American National Foundation, which in 1997 would finance terrorist attacks against the Cuban tourism industry costing the life of a young Italian tourist.
Nor does the secretary general of RSF mention that the Center for a Free Cuba, by its own statutes, is dedicated to the overthrow of the Cuban government. In the same way, Ménard admits to receiving funding from the NED, which is administered by the State Department and whose role is to carry out the agenda of the White House. So Ménard is directly financed by the Cuban extreme right and indirectly by the United States.
(more at link)
It is also instructive to note that RSF has passed around a petition calling for the release of Judith Miller -- that poor "martyr" for the freedom to cover up the crimes of the criminals in power.
Imho, if RSF is giving "advice" to dissidents, be careful that there's not a hidden backdoor through which the Powers That Be can protect their interests -- because that's who RSF ultimately works for.