Edited on Tue Sep-27-05 01:04 PM by DaveT
Not only do we not need the Main Stream Media, we absolutely have to understand that we will NEVER get anything but hostility from the Main Steam Media.
The most frustrating thing of all for me is hearing so many voices on the Left pining for the MSN "to do its job." The various "news" platforms that define mainstream acceptable opinion in the USA ARE doing their jobs -- telling us what the government wants us to believe.
The control of the MSN is neither monolithic nor perfectly efficient, and you can find rays of false hope in almost any daily newspaper or non-Fox broadcast. But the occasional "critical" piece on Bush or the neocons has nothing to do with how the MSM defines the Public Consciousness.
Thus in the past few weeks, Time, Newsweek and the LA Times have all printed devasting stories about the incompetence of the Bush Administration -- while ignoring the reality of mass protests matching the numbers of the great demonstrations of the 60s and early 70s. The subtle point coming across is that "the system" is starting to correct itself; poll results and news accounts are letting us know that Bush is on the way down -- so don't do anything on your own.
This is what the television industry was invented to do -- it has been putting you to sleep since the cradle. It is the Great Pacifier. The people who run the TV and cable industries make hundreds of billions of dollars a year by making sure that you have your ass planted in front of the idiot box for most of your life, leaving you just enough other time to "shop."
For far too many Americans, even extreme leftists, politics is just a form of shopping -- making a "choice" from a list of options "given" to you, rather than taking concrete action for yourself.
During the Vietnam War a real counter-culture grew up. There were things called underground radio and underground newspapers -- although this "youth" culture was centered on music, antiwar politics and draft resistance were integral parts of shared consciousness driving the movement.
Personally, I had hoped that the Internet would provide an analogous counter-cultural environment, but it has not worked out that way yet. Even here at DU and all across the debunking blogosphere, you do not find the self confidnent REJECTION of corporate television, cable and print news; nor do you find anything like the shared "phreak" consciousness that permeated the baby boomer generation so thoroughly that even troops in the field became part of the youth counter-culture.
(Eventually the original sex, drugs and rocknroll culture merged with the mainsteam culture and the biggest motivation for the right wing today is an angry reaction to the personal social liberties that were won a generation ago.)
We will never convert the corporate owned media outlets; we will never defeat them on their turf, their airtime, their pages.
We will beat them when we don't listen to them anymore.