ABC: Michael Brown defended his actions in the wake of Katrina, blaming those others involved. He also acknowledged that, in emails, he knew it would be a bad hurricane. Nothing more to see here. Up Next, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher married. Our Team coverage after the break.
NBC: Michael Brown defended his actions in the wake of Katrina, blaming those others involved. He also acknowledged that, in emails, he knew it would be a bad hurricane. Nothing more to see here. Up Next, who is the favorite to win survivor? Our Team coverage after the break.
CBS: Michael Brown defended his actions in the wake of Katrina, blaming those others involved. He also acknowledged that, in emails, he knew it would be a bad hurricane. Nothing more to see here. Up Next, local man develops new techinque to making grape-ade. Our Team coverage after the break.
CNN: Michael Brown defended his actions in the wake of Katrina, blaming those others involved. He also acknowledged that, in emails, he knew it would be a bad hurricane. Nothing more to see here. Up Next, Wolf Blitzer and Robert Novak explain how Democrats are at fault for Katrina, with limited time for Ed Begala and James Carville to respond.
MSNBC: Michael Brown defended his actions in the wake of Katrina, blaming those others involved. He also acknowledged that, in emails, he knew it would be a bad hurricane. Democrats seize this as these hearings held by Republicans as an opportunistic way to ambulance chase. Pat Buchanan, Joey Scarbourgh and Tucker Carlson have more.
Fox: The valiant and qualified Michael Brown, before liberals destroyed him, defended his righteous actions in the wake of the liberal caused Hurricane Katrina, blaming the inept Democratic mayor of New Orleans and the indifferent Governor of Louisana. Fox News, always fair and balanced, states for the record that those who don't agree and believe the words of this great American are un-American and unpatriotic. No one could have predicted Katrina and our Greatest President Ever, George Bush, is a saint for hiring such a qualified man, who was mercilessly attacked and destroyed by liberals. Democrats seized the opportunity to attack Brown, calling up images of them sacrificing babies and drinking blood at the base of the altar to their idol, Osama Bin Laden. "Brownie" skillfully predicted that, in well worded and fantastic emails, he knew the liberal caused Katrina would be a bad hurricane, stating that hot air from liberal gasbags caused the storm to become a massive Category 5, and not global warming causing the Gulf water to be 5 degrees above normal, since global warming is a liberal conspiracy. Nothing more to see here as the Bush Administration is exonrated. Up Next, Ollie North, Betsy Hart, Laura Ingraham, Hugh Hewitt and Ann Coulter discuss with Sean Hannity why liberals and Democrats are the anti-Christ and how their deep desire is to rape your children, kill your parents and get everyone addicted to Marijuana. A four hour disucssion with no liberal counterpoints after the break because we're fair and balanced.
Does that sound about right?