According to Zogby the right track/wrong track for the Bush Republican Party is dropping with each poll. It seems all the "not sures" are going wrong track. It is currently at:
43 Right direction
53 Wrong Direction
Job Performance for the Bush Republicans is also sliding:
Poor 38%
Fair 22%
Good 26%
and only 15 % saying they are doing an excellent job.
The Bush Republican Party performance on economy and jobs is even worse:
only 12 % of the country say The Bush Republican Party is doing an excellent job while 36% say they are doing a poor job.
In foreign policy, a suppossed strong suit, only 13% of respondents think The Bush Republican Party is doing a good job while 34% think they are poor. Only 2% are unsure, meaning that there isn't much wiggle room and they have some serious selling to do.
A big surprise is in the area of Taxes where only 16% think the Bush Republican Party is excellent and 33% think The Bush Republkican Party is poor.
So how will The Bush Republican Party remake itself in time for the 06 mid terms? "w" took the mantle of Ronald Reagan firmly on his shoulders and said he was a new kind of Republican, a Compassionate Conservative. Now that the Bush Republican Party are seen as abject failures what new kind of Republican Party will emerge from the ashes of The Bush Republican Party?
Perhaps they should give out Crystal Meth in order to get the Atlanta Christian Hostage vote.