Edited on Tue Oct-07-03 09:08 PM by elperromagico
Chris Matthews becomes more agitating with every breath, I think. Peggy Noonan is the evil mistress of semantics; if Bush went on a killing spree at the University of Texas, she'd make it sound like it was a humanitarian act. Howard Fineman is a joke. Ben Stein is another Nixonite... go back to your damned game show, Ben. And, oh great, it's Arnold's campaign co-chairman! Gee, he won't be biased at all, will he?
What irks me most, though, is the way the guests on Hardball don't seem prepared for Matthews' idiotic questions. After the sexual harrassment allegations against Schwarzy came out, Matthews asked every guest, "Where you you during Clinton?" an obvious reference to Chris' fascination with Presidential genitalia.
Never mind the fact that Clinton's relationship with Lewinsky was a relationship between two consenting adults, while Schwarzenegger's alleged groping was unwanted sexual harrassment. In Matthews' world, they're one and the same.
What a stupid, stupid man. What a stupid, stupid show.