If it really is REALLY the divine unity of life, the miracle of the awakeness we all take forgranted, the supraconscious unity that all mystical traditions have sought direct awareness of for 1000's of years, that total awareness of life as pervasive-god.
And perhaps if a country was inhabited by enlightened people who saw sacred unity in all things, that an aura of protection is afforded them by god (god being an allegory for "nirvana,satori,samadhi,samsara,allah, jehovah,the mother earth, the unity of the land"
If more people were aware of god, then they are truly blessed, just like the christian book says, as their lives are the kingdom. :-)
It is an ontological choice to see all of life as sacred, and to *know* all of life is sacred, and people who really know that, "are that", are blessed and all who travel with them have good luck. There is a truth to the whole thing perhaps, and maybe though god has been trivialized in its poorly communicated mythical charicature, sacred direct awakeness "of god" if you will, is the blessing of god.
And tibetan religion has it, that at the moment of death, your "soul" passes through several stages of dissolution in to the causal reincarnate root dimensions, Causal DNA, much like the system tables of a database, in their meta-metadata relationship with the database, there is a, meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta human conciousness, and one could call that unity god, a mystical goodwill that grants magic wishes, a real profound enlightenment with enlightened persons in enlightened traditions that show people more and more about how god is within them, and all of life is innate profound.
And then a priesthood is born after generations of the traditions of the dead god-awake persons, and we fall in to a chasm of studying the footprints out of novelty, rather than looking at our relationship to gods kingdom.
Gods kingdom is found in nature and communion with silence (meditation).
To know gods kingdom, even just a smidgeon, is a grace, not a curse.
Even "god" has become maligned in this partisan war to depose *.