Edited on Tue Oct-07-03 08:43 PM by djg21
I'd love to see yet another recall should Gropinator win, but who do you think would risk running on behalf of the Democrats?
What legitimate candidate would consider incurring the wrath of the 59% of CA voters who voted yes on this first recall, or the 50% who apparently voted for Gropinator? (assuming, of course, that these numbers prove correct) Given what has been characterized as "recall fatigue" in CA, any legitimate Dem candidate would be stupid to support a further recall.
If Gropinator does win, as it appears he will, perhaps we have to give him a chance, and hope that he fucks things up good in CA. Then we have to put forward a fantastic Dem candidate in 3 years.
More importantly, its time for a little introspection -- we have to again ask why the Democratic Party lost so big, despite the efforts of Clinton, McAulliffe, Gore, and virtually every Democratic Presidential candidate, and despite Shrub's plummetting approval, Enron and the CA energy fiasco. We have to do it now, so we can plan for 2004.
We're all relying on Shrub to beat himself, and that may not be enough.
One thing I'd suggest -- it's time to lose McAulliffe and Company. WE NEED NEW LEADERSHIP!