Jimmy Carter established FEMA in the 70s. That's over 30 years ago, in case you're mathematically challenged.
From what I read, Clinton's FEMA director, James Lee Witt, had honed and fine-tuned it into one of the most effective national disaster response agencies in the world.
Sure, no two disasters are exactly alike. Each calls for specific responses to possibly unique problems.
But this former cabinet level agency had the basics down. Command and control. Communications. Pre-positioning of the needed supplies and personnel. Rapid response, once the area was safe to enter.
Bush*s administration has cut much needed funds (gotta have that tax "relief"), and folded FEMA into "Homeland Security". Whoopee.
What ever happened to "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"? And now FEMA actually barred private citizens and organizations from coming with help to areas that were desperate for help?
So how long are we going to keep learning lessons? This learning curve sucks.