it's a fucking sham. there is no numericaL structure to aL-queda in the common notion that most of america and us, perceive it to be.
this is in regard to the Latest reports of zarqawi's #2 and the inevitabLe repLies of "oh, this is the nth #2 they've kiLLed so far"
if zarqawi is truLy aL-queda then he's not even THE #1 for aL-queda in iraq; instead he's one of say 10, or 20, or 100 #1's for AQinI. he just happens to be the visibLe figurehead for AQ (Like bin Laden).
simiLarLy, there is no ONE number 2, Like say a vice-president. there are 50, or 100, or 500 #2's for AQinI.
and so on down the Line for AQ.
unLike most countries or organizations, AQ is a 'circuLar structure' (concentric circLes, Like the gaLaxy, or a pond rippLe) as opposed to the more common, 'pyramid structure' - this arrangement achieves severaL aims:
1. the inner core (#1's) is near impossibLe to penetrate. to get to it, you must penetrate the 6th ring, and then the 5th ring, etc..
2. if any one member of each circLe (say bin Laden, who is indeed a number 1; or kaLif muhammed was a member of the #3 circLe) is taken out, the organization wiLL continue to function as usuaL.
so, if the #2 circLe of 'aL queda in iraq' contains 100 members, they can conceivabLy, "kiLL the #2 guy 100 times" according to press reLeases.... then again, #2 guys wiLL be repLaced eventuaLLy with guys from the #3 circLe, so we can kiLL the #2 guy forever. weee!!
so, when a report says, "number 2 AQ guy taken out" it is 'technicaLLy' accurate, but deLiberateLy misLeading - then again, propaganda usuaLLy is.