Another might be to have coordinated, smaller demonstrations in all of our hometowns. I think the idea of a national rally in Washington, DC is a great idea. I'm proud of and grateful to those who went. I'm amazed at the wide variety of opinions and beliefs being expressed here on DU. Discussions are great; however, I hope that we can avoid a bit of the hostility.
Perhaps if you do not mind the rantings of an old man, I could share a couple of thoughts. Last week, there was a trial in Binghamton, NY, of the St. Patrick's Four. I went, and I'm familiar with one of the folks, though I don't think that gives me any special rank or importance. But I did have some insight, and it may be of value to you and others.
The demonstrations that took place in Binghamton started out being separated by the police: pro-war here, anti-war there. But by the end of the week, both sides were communicating. Talking. Smiling. Shaking hands. Even embracing.
It may be that this is the true value of rallies today. Not to say we had a million people, or to give our personal power to heroes. But to do our part. To communicate peace. To say no to the fear that is necessary for war.
Maybe I listen to "Imagine" too much, or need to quit reading that darned Gary Snyder. But I think that in Binghamton, I felt the powers that a little man like Dick Cheney might call Christian heresies. "This is the real razor's edge. Shall the lion lay down with the lamb? And make love even? The Garden of Eden." It's not just in Washington, DC. It's us.