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Being painfully persistent, I realize, but it's what I must do

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understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-05 07:04 PM
Original message
Being painfully persistent, I realize, but it's what I must do
When I write "We The People ..." I realize I'm one of the "We."

Yes, I'm only one, and I've written quite a bit about the answer to the question "so what can one person do." The obvious answer is, if you don't try, you will have done nothing.

We do need a leader, and we can't wait.

I have urged DU, as a community, request Congressman Conyers to announce his candidacy for President:

In that DU Activist HQ thread, DUer 'Senator' posted a compelling, creative response:

Reality Check

First, no one would be mored pleased than I to see John Conyers, Jr. taking up residence in the People's House as our elected leader (as opposed to this current appointed ruler).

But is it realistic? (Note: I don't try to "answer" this.)

Several people have posted possible obstacles. Generally, these fall into 2 areas - fear of successful attacks and/or Conyers' personal attributes.

I think for our purposes here the "real question" is:

"Can Conyers become the Democratic nominee?"

I say "real," because we really do have to take this one step at a time to judge the feasibility. We can probably dismiss the "fear-based" objections that are purely neofascist-based (swiftboat-esque) because of the limits of their ability to effect a Dem primary race. (This does not mean however that the DC/Euphemedia Analstocracy won't be savaging Conyers as they did Dr. Dean.)

As for Conyers' personal attributes ("good" and "bad"), while they are certainly critical to getting the nomination, we must be careful not to expand their effect, unduly, to a General Election. This creates the "elect-ability" boogieman that was used against Dean. The political reality of a general is that there will be a choice between 2. Anyone nominated is "electable." And, sadly, the "result" will have more to do with the level of success of the neofascist thieves than any issue, attribute, or attack.

So we are left to ask how Candidate Conyers would fare in the Dem primary process. I think we all know that this is essentially a "money v. people" struggle - with the DLC/beltway/Gore00/Kerry04/Hilary08 forces aligned against - well, "us."

So can Conyers prevail (with Dems) where Dean could not? I'm not sure either way.

Reality Creation

Now, for the fun part. I would suggest that Conyers announce something new and different ..... Something "Out of the Box."

I think he should announce that he has been asked (ok, by me - or us?) and would be willing to "become" (acting) POTUS on the removal of Bush/Cheney from office for their various high crimes. He would explain that he is, in essence, announcing his candidacy for Speaker of the House in 2007 and that the first order of business for the new Dem House (and Senate) is to impeach and remove Bush and Cheney, thereby elevating Conyers to President.

Then, "We The People" take over the campaign.

Am I serious? You bet. Isn't this impossible?

Well, it's certainly highly unlikely to succeed, but that's somewhat beside the point. The "effort" itself would have real tangible benefits -- not the least of which being that it would be more help to any Conyers08 campaign than simply an early announcement. For people (and the Euphemedia) it would present Mr. Conyers in a "Presidental PR mode" -- allowing people to get accustomed to the idea.

Beyond that, it challenges the DC/Euphemedia Analstocracy. The Speaker of the House is a social celebrity in the salons of Georgetown, as well as having "real" power. Having an "outsider" like Conyers make a serious effort to be chosen will terrorize them. In addition, the brazen intent to circumvent "their" election process -- reinforcing the reality that it has become non-functional -- is another kick in the teeth.

For "our side" it would also provide a "positive" outlet for impeachment efforts. It would allow them to be less "anti-bush/cheney" and more pro the "Conyers People" who want to take their country back and have prevailed upon Mr. Conyers to be their public face.

It would also do wonders for the image of Dems as "forceful." While the DLCers have been obsessed with that final half-percent of "swing voters," we have been demanding that they grow a spine. I'm convinced that the Dems would see a 5% pickup in white males simply by showing they "stand strong," like Boxer on Jan 6th or Conyers day in and out.

So, whadya tink?

Well, Senator, I 'tink' you're onto a very interesting strategy.

In fact, here is what I would like everyone at DU to consider:

The one Democratic leader who requires no spin, and who likely never will, is Congressman Conyers.

The Nation needs for him to step forward and assume leadership.

So, everyone, how about a concerted effort to convince Congressman Conyers to declare that if Bush and Cheney are not either forced to resign or are impeached before Nov 2006, then after he leads the Democrats to capturing the majority in both the House and the Senate in 2006 - based on a campaign laser focused on the vast criminality of Bush administration and the Republican 109th Congress -- he will lead the effort to impeach them in the House and assist his colleagues in the Senate to convict both of them.

He will urge his colleagues in the 110th US Congress, to elect him Speaker of the House of Representatives, so he can lead the impeachment effort.

We need action and we need it now.

Congressman Conyers is the person who can rally the Nation.

I hope everyone does all they can to convince Congressman Conyers to assume his rightful and much deserved place at the helm.


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rosesaylavee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-05 07:16 PM
Response to Original message
1. Ok. I'm in. Tilting at windmills is a hobby of mine. n/t
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chalky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-05 07:19 PM
Response to Original message
2. I LOOOOOVE John Conyers. He's forthright, honest, noble, and reminds me
of my dad. My EIGHTY-TWO YEAR OLD dad.
Call me ageist, but that's my concern over Conyers.

OTOH, if he's our nom, I'm his girl.
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understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-05 07:24 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Observing him these past several months, he displays a level ...
... of activity that suggests that when he's finished with his second, elected, term as President of the USA, at age ~ 86, he'll be ready for a few years as Secretary General of the UN ;)

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punpirate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-05 07:29 PM
Response to Original message
4. Ummm, has anyone...
... actually asked Conyers about this?

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understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-05 07:37 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Yes, I've emailed him as part of posting this new thread. The point, ...
however, is to elicit comment and support from DU readers. Several DUers wrote Congressman Conyers and urged him to consider announcing candidacy for President.

I think the burden is on us to convince him of our support, thus the posting of this thread.

Thank you for your question.

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punpirate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-05 07:59 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. And...
... what did he say? Yes, or no, or maybe? All I'm saying is that there's no point in gaining support for a plan which doesn't interest Conyers. Some people are sane enough not to want to be President. :)

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understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-05 10:35 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. I have not had a response, yet. But, that is not the point of this thread.
The point of this thread is for all of us to do whatever it takes to convince Congressman Conyers that he has our focused, unrelenting support.

See comment #8, as well.

Thank you.

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Generator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-05 08:38 PM
Response to Original message
7. At the risk of stating the obvious
and pissing off everyone with their pet candidate: the FACT that he has no ambition but to save America from tyranny is John Conyers big selling point. ThankGOD he's not running for nothing but the seat he already has. Oh and he's the only politician I've ever given $$ to in my 40 some years. He is the only leader we have. So I get your sentiment. I actually was thrilled just because he personally signed my copy of "What went Wrong in Ohio".

If nothing else this man is documenting the crimes being perpetrated against us. And if anyone is working on impeachment-I bet it's him. He's been slowly building a case with every crime he documents.
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understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-05 10:33 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. It is always important to state the obvious. As I've told students, ...
Edited on Tue Sep-27-05 10:34 PM by understandinglife
... particularly my medical students, "assumption is the basis of all fuck-ups."

That includes a failure to state the obvious when the obvious is what everyone must focus, e.g., HELP, PATIENT NOT BREATHING.


The reason why Congressman Conyers is THE person to step forward is because he is the one person none of the Dem "contenders" would dare attack.

He is a statesman and we need a statesman.

He has covered all the issues that matter, comprehensively and constructively.

He is blogging after 10pm EDT on a Saturday night; he was blogging perhaps before any other Member of Congress -- i.e., he gets it.

Gore, Edwards, Clinton, Clark, ...., should all consider it an honor to stand beside him in the role of VP -- a BIG HONOR.

But, it is for us to bring the message and the commitment to the Congressman. He's delivered. We The People .... must do so, now.

Thus, my call for the most intense, focused activist effort in the history of DU -- draft Congressman Conyers for Speaker of the House in 2007 and President of the USA no later than Jan 21, 2009.

Thank you for your constructive and inspiring comments.


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paineinthearse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-05 08:30 AM
Response to Original message
10. 5th nomination
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mike_c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-05 10:26 AM
Response to Original message
11. john Conyers is one of the real heros to have emerged...
...from the ruin of the last five years.
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bleever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-05 11:29 AM
Response to Original message
12. What are your thoughts on Nancy Pelosi? It would seem
unlikely that she would relinquish her post as Speaker if we retake the House.

Any ideas about how this might play out?
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hootinholler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-05 10:02 PM
Response to Original message
13. Brilliant!
I can't believe that I missed this thread.

It matters not what happens, this would be a bold political stroke for him. A truly win-win thing. Even if it failed, it would raise the stakes to make it interesting enough that the sheeple would pay atention. By sheeple, I don't mean the freeple-Reeple, I mean those who don't vote, who truly are the sheep led to slaughter.

Tell me that a national campaign for speaker (take back the House) starting early in late 2005 or early 2006 would be effective. We need to take back the house so we can have legitimate investigations into the Culture of Corruption. So we can uncover what the GOP has managed to squirrel away under the mulch of national security.

Even if Conyers isn't made speaker, with a democratic majority, he will become the Chair of the Judiciary Committee. Merde, meet ventilatuer!

I'm liking it!

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