http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/sep2005/nf20050927_1286_db016.htmSEPTEMBER 27, 2005 COMMENTARY By Richard S. Dunham, with Lee Walczak
For Bush, an Issue of Competence
When Rita struck, Bush launched into Presidential whirlwind -- hands-on and completely plugged in. The angry local officials who lashed out at the White House in the chaotic days following Katrina were replaced in TV interviews by sheriffs and governors who thanked the feds for the rapid response.
So this means President Bush has weathered the most serious challenge to his leadership since September 11 and is poised to resume his power glide through the rest of his term, right? Wrong. From a political standpoint, Bush's response to Rita may have stopped the political damage inflicted by his handling of Katrina. But Operation Recovery doesn't herald a return to the heady days when the President's agenda dominated the political landscape.
There's irony aplenty here for Team Bush. Traditionally, voters see button-down Republicans as the more competent party on many core issues, partly as a result of the more free-spirited Democrats' chronic disorganization. But despite his positioning as an MBA President who delegates many decisions to his subordinates, Bush suddenly finds himself having to worry about the dreaded "C word." No, not conservative. Competency.
Of course, 2005 was already proving to be a difficult year for the White House, with the President making uncharacteristic stumbles on such key initiatives as Social Security private accounts and immigration reform. But Katrina chaos crystallized a problem that had been slowly eroding Bush's standing with the public all year. And that's the growing doubts about the Administration's ability to handle the war in Iraq, expand the economy, and control soaring energy prices.