Edited on Tue Sep-27-05 10:28 PM by nadinbrzezinski
(To Mods this deals with far more than the Israeli Palestinian issue)
Ok, ok we have heard it, we are in Iraq because of Israel... no, we are not. Anybody who has bothered to read all the dry white papers at their site knows the reason we are in Iraq is... because they have our oil under their sand.
Yes I know all the conspiracy theories that Mossed is there and Jews were not there on 9.11... yes I've heard all of them,
Now lets try to explain something, PNAC was formed in 1998, but their ideas, including Pre-Emptive war, go back quite a bit longer. I don't know how many of you remember that Paul Wolfowitz was under Secretary of Defense under Sec Def Chenney. I don't know if many of you remember a 1992 New York Times Article that was literally a shot that rang around the world. In this article, an op ed truly, Wolfowitz proposed a more muscular approach to US Foreign policy, including the use of the armed forces. In many ways that Op Ed, which Wolfowitz had to take with him into "exile" after President Clinton was sworn in, had all the bullet points of PNAC. Nowhere in that article was the mention of securing the Middle East for Israel... what was in that article was securing geo strategic energy areas for the United States... yes it was about oil...
Now how do you sell an Imperial Policy? Com'on people think.
Jews: we are in there for Israel Fundies: Armageddon Joe Six Pack: Sadamn was WMDs (never mind Sadam had nothing to do with 9.11) The Rabid RW: Hey we get to blow some aryabs and prove we are superior.
and so on.. listen to all the messages on why we are going to war... try to remember that far back, everybody heard what they wanted to hear.
Now lets be honest if they came and told you, ok folks we need to fight this war because quite frankly we are running out of oil and we don't control it China will kill us... is too complex and most Americans would have said ... YOU NUTS? Granted it would have been refreshing but these Straussians don't work that way.
Now I am not going to defend Israel's actions in the ME... they are at times quite indefensible, but so are the actions of Hamas.. but we are not in the ME for Israel. Now let me ask you all something, all who think that we are there for Israel, let me posit you a scenario... the true radicals in the ME on the arab side, actually accomplish what they have wanted to do since oh... 1948 and drive all them pesky Jews to the sea or just kill them man, woman and child... how fast do you people think we would be leaving the Middle East? If you are honest, you will admit we won't leave until the last drop of usable oil is extracted from under their sands.
This war is about geo strategic interests and the ME just happens to be it, (once again). We have been intervening in their internal affairs for decades and not to defend Israel, they did not become a client sate of the US until 1967. In fact, due to the wonderful Socialist policies of the very Young State, the Truman White House did not want to support Israel and Israel came this close to falling under the Soviet Sphere of Influence... now that would have been a nice what if... Israel became a Client State of the Soviets and Egypt a client state of the United States, but that is a what if scenario... it did not happen because of 1956 and the brits.
Now what is happening is that wittingly or unwittingly a mythology has risen that places Israel as the central reason for this mess, which is convenient for now Jews are at times accused of being Israelis first and Americans second... seen this song and dance. The Palestinians and the Israelis have a role to play in this mess but best case scenario it is a tertiary role and if there was no oil under them sands, nobody would give a hoot. This is driving many Jews to the Right, go ahead keep doing this and one day you may ask why is it that Jews who always voted Democratic, all of a sudden are voting Republican? You may want to remember the last five years. I think it is foolish for these fascists will use these votes and then discard them or blame them, but that is another story. The fact is, many Jews who otherwise are naturally allied to left wing causes, feel that the seat at the table is not there. So slowly but surely they are being radicalized to the right. And no, most American Jews are not politically aware or Likudniks... they believe Israel has a right to survive, but if you ask most American jews to explain you the issues, beyond the propaganda, they will have lots of trouble putting a coherent statement together. For the record the same happens most American Palestinians... and we are into sounbytes of why we should hate each other.. if you wonder I am Jewish and one of my friends is palestinian, and we have discussed this many a times... and how the Palestinian cause will be eschewed as soon as is onnvenient... we have also reached an agreement, this is an issue for the people IN THE REGION to fix... not us.
Now let me deal with the next issue... Al Qa ida and Hammas are NOT part of the same terror network, as much as our lovely propaganda channels have successfully linked Al Qa ida, Hamas and even the PLO, they ear not the same. For starters AQ cause is to fight the great Satan, that is us... and to drive us from Arabya and to get rid of the House of Saud, and spread the wealth to the people. Al Qa ida is also convinced that they can create a new caliphate and defeat the US... after all they are the reason that the USSR fell... I am talking of mythology here, not reality, as AQ is in many ways of our own making. They also know our play book and they are very dangerous... and so far they have actually succeeded, we are almost out of Arabia... by the way... oh and the principal event for the formation of AQ is Gulf War 1 and the fact the House of Saud told OBL no, and instead took Christian troops in.. by the way Titan and Caci are STILL training the Saudi National Guard... that should make you nervous... and Western Oil Companies are still there, and if the House of Saud ever falls, rumor has it, they will blow up the infrastructure... what is more SA may have reached peak oil this year, so their strategic value will go down... slowly, but it will.
Hammas they have discovered religion and it sells well, but they did not start as a religious group... they were quite secular and they are the descendants of the Arab Militias that were formed during the Lebanese Civil War... over the years they have morphed due to political and regional events, such as Israel's invasion of Southern Lebanon and the creation of the Phalangist militia. By the way, many recognize that invasion as a strategic mistake on the part of Israel... the US and France... and one reason why some of the groups hate the west... of course they also hate the west because of the summer of 1919 but that is another ball of wax and will take books to cover correctly and well.
The PLO, there are literally volumes written on them and all their splinter groups.. what is clear is that they are SECULAR and AQ cannot stand secular groups. Why do you think the PLA is having a heck of a time establishing authority in the Territories? They are corrupt but Hamas is not (really) and Hamas has established clinics.. again another ball of wax on how you win hearts and minds and radicalize a population.
As to Israel, it has its own demons to contend with, but I will contend quite clearly that every time people scream at a demonstration FREE PALESTINE.. not understanding the complexities of the conflict, they are actually playing into the message management that keeps you distracted from the true cause of PNAC... which once again, repeat after me is about oil and peak oil and who controls the resources and whose economy will survive and whose economy will not... hence why you must start paying attention to the real reason we are there, and to China and to all the alliances being formed because everybody knows, we are running out of oil and he who controls it will control the world stage for the next 20 years... and this is not a game...
Oh and by the way we COULD have divided those resources without 1900 + US Troops and 100,000 Iraqis killed... but the oil men who are running this and going, see shiny bauble, don't play well with others, so they decided to engage in a pure resource war... the kind this world has not seen since oh WW I- WW II, which some historians see as a continuum. Yes WW II was a resource war or you all have forgotten one reason that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor? Did I mention Oil?