I realize the tide seems to shift on a daily, even hourly, basis as to how the media, in general, portrays BushCo. We may get much of our news at places online such as this, but the majority of citizens depend on MSM, even if they say they don't believe the news; if they're watching regularly, something is sinking in.
After catching bits and pieces of various MSM shows last night, Brownie's comments about the media overexaggerating the crisis in New Orleans has seemed to spur them to investigate what happened there even MORE - or at least say that, because of various factors, we may never know the truth (hinting that some coverups happened).
Wow, Brownie really is giving Karl and George some headaches, eh? :rofl:
They're still going to go after locals (NO police are in the crosshairs now, it seems) and state in evaluating the chaos....but the feds seemingly even more after Brownie's appearance yesterday.
Do you feel the tide, for the next few days at least, is still in our favor? Do you feel other events of the next few days could hurt BushCo even more? If so, what?
SURELY Fitzgerald is coming out with SOMETHING soon?