Unfortunately, i think they've already figured it out.
The main two arguments for staying are to make sure Iraq is stable before cutting and running, and to not show a weakness that the "terrorists" can see as a loss, thus making them bolder.
The arguments for leaving are that we are just causing death and destruction over there, we should have never gone in to begin with, and no matter when we leave a civil war will break out, so we are only prolonging the inevitable.
My own personal belief is that we should pull out but stay in some form, such as handing control over to a UN force for peace keeping, while removing the US government's presence. I think that would undercut the motivation of the insurgency and still provide some protection for the government trying to form over there. Our goal should be what's best for the Iraqi people, but all we are really worried about is how to not look bad, and that's where the problem comes from. Also, we should continue to spend our obscene war funds on IRaq, but as donations to help them rebuild, not as payment to our own corporations in the form of no-bid contracts or as military spending.
If we had just spent all of the cost of this war on aid to rebuild Iraq contingent on Hussein leaving and certain human rights conditions being met, we could have cleaned their nation up without all the death, and without empowering Al-Queda.