Obviously, we're not gonna "win" in any reasonable sense of the word. The only question is whether we pull out now or later--unless we're ready to settle in for the Forever War.
Here is the problem as I see it: Who will go in there & cover our withdrawal? If you say "The UN," that's too global an answer (no pun intended).The UN is composed of individual member states. Which of them should send peacekeeping forces? To oversimplify (and to state the obvious), the choice comes down to Muslim or non-Muslim forces, or a mix.
I think right now, Europeans would neither be accepted nor be very willing to go in to clean up our mess. Who, then? East-Asian troops? How would the Iraqis react to having their streets patrolled by, say, Chinese? Or Indians? Canadians? How would they react to Sunni foreigners? Not well, in any of these cases, I would predict. My bet is that any peacekeeping force would come under fire and be pulled out shortly.
I fear that Iraq is too broken to fix. We can't do it, the rest of the world can't do it. The longer we stay, the deeper will be the wounds. There is no way out but OUT.