Once again the voters pick an imbecile without an agenda because they either think it'd be "cool" to have him for Governor or they think he's somehow like them. What a pathetic display of ignorance and mindless celebrity-worship. It tells me that the voters haven't learned a fucking thing, not even after two and a half years of GOP stranglehold. I'm now quite concerned that Bush and his loyal friends in the media will somehow manage to sweep away a string of nonstop lies and failures and secure re-election next year, seeing as how the people remain so stubbornly blind to what's going on around them.
It's not the fact Arnold was a well-publicized serial groper that is so nauseating about this (though it is nauseating) - it's the fact he didn't have a fucking clue about the economy, and it showed. He didn't have a fucking clue about how to manage the state, and it showed. He didn't have a fucking clue about government in general, and it showed. The American people continue to stubbornly cling to the sad, sick little myth that the "outsider with no political experience" can somehow achieve diddly-shit in office.
One might take comfort in this and say "Well, if Arnold fucks up badly enough then it will show the voters what a stupid mistake they made, and Bush/Rove will be out in 2004." Naah. Like a puppy whose nose is rubbed in it's own crap, the voters have been shown how stupid their mistakes were in the past. Many, many times. They were shown it with Nixon. They were shown it with Reagan. Then again with Bush the First. Then again with Bush the Second. The same theme being played out. Over, and over, and over. And yet the dummies out there who stumble their way into the voting booths just keep right on gleefully taping "kick me" signs to their backs, yammering about their precious tax cuts to the exclusion of all else, including logic or even reality.
Arnold will be a waste of space in the governor's office, his mistakes will be laid at the door of former Governor Davis, and the dipshits out there will keep right on truckin' along, forever eager to pull the lever for someone, anyone, who can tell them all kinds of fantasies like he won't raise income taxes or cut services, and will somehow lead their state out of a fiscal crises.
Fuck you, California (I exclude those Golden Staters with the sense to oppose this asinine hijacking of democracy). Don't bring that shit out on the national scene next November.