Delay indicted. Great.
What's next? What else is current?
Jokes and pictures are not gonna get us anything.
David Drier will probably replace Delay.
Thom Hartmann warns that Drier is a savvy politician who is 100% dedicated to the corporatists and Bushco. He's relatively clean, looks and sounds fantastic on TV, and the recent revelation of his semi-hidden alternative lifestyle has not significantly hurt his effectiveness. If he had to back away from the limelight because of that revelation, it was probably a choice by the party to pull him back and prepare him for this new assignment.
Keep in mind that the repukes never do things without thinking about them, and I mean thinking about them a lot.
While some DUers are writing "I don't care about 2008, I care about 2006", you can be sure that the repukes DO care about 2008. And 2010. And 2012. And 2014.
And they discuss these and they plan and they scheme.
And they hire sycophants and they fire anyone who may reveal any bit of moderation or independent thought process.
And they steal money and they create slush funds and the pervert and they destroy.
And they KNEW these indictments would come down. They calculated the odds, and made contingency plans.
And David Drier is no accident.
People, a new and exciting wave of shit is about to be thrown at the freedom-loving people of this country by the evil wannabe fascists who make up the controlling political party and their counterparts in the Pentagon, the boardrooms, the military and the media. And it will all have been thought out and planned.
We have passed the time to revel in Delay’s indictment. Tell yourself “things have never been worse”, then get busy like you believe it.