1. Texas: Productive industrious state run by Republicans. Louisiana: Productive industrious state run by Democrats.
2. Texas: Residents with vehicles take responsibility to protect and evacuate themselves, residents without vehicles ride out the storm because their mayor told them he has no plan for them.
Louisiana: 75% of Residents take responsibility to protect and evacuate themselves, those who have no means to evacuate are sent to the a pre-determined shelter location to wait for the Federal EMERGENCY Agency to live up to their NAME and the reputation of James Lee Witt.
3. Houston Texas: Local officials order citizens to evacuate themselves, for those without vehicles, people with vehicles are encouraged to help their neighbors. Louisiana: Local and state officials use all available resources.. i.e. a depleted National Guard and depleted force of bus drivers, upon determining that it would not be enough, they ask for help in advance. Privat bus companies contracted FEMA opt out of providing assistance.
4. Texas: "Command and control" is aslogan spouted by republicans, whilst they put no one in charge of the evacuation of poor people. Louisiana: "Command and control" is exhibited by the Governor and Mayor who followed all the protocol given to them by FEMA.
5. Texas: Law enforcement officers remain on duty to protect city. Louisiana: Some Law enforcement officers do not show up for posts to evacuate their families.
6. Texas: Local police watch for looting. Louisiana: Local police have more than looting to work on, saving lives is a priority. Some policemen take survival items from stores on behalf of victims.
7. Texas: Law and order remains in control, 8 looters tried it, 8 looters arrested.
Louisiana: Anarchy and lawlessness break out, afterall FEMA took their sweet time, people were starving floodwaters were rising.
8. Texas: Considerable damage caused by hurricane.
Louisiana: Considerable damage caused by hurricane and breeched levees which were underfunded by the Federal Government.
9. Texas: Flood barriers hold preventing cities from flooding, because Texas is the homestate of the President he'd never underfund his state.
Louisiana: Flood barriers fail due to lack of funding by the Federal Government, local contractors go one year without compensation for the work they did do to prevent breeches.
10. Texas: One million people clog the highways, wasting millions of gallons of gas....
Louisiana: 80% are evacuated successfully, but the remaining 20% wait for the most powerful nation in the world to show its might.
11. Texas: Citizens evacuate with personal 3 day supply of food and water, in restrospect of the failings of the PREVIOUS hurricane.
Louisiana: Citizens with 2 day supply of food and water, do without it for the next 4 days cause George Bush doesn't give a rat's ass.
12. Texas: FEMA brings in tons of food and water for evacuees. State officials provide accessible distribution points.
Louisiana: WalMart and private industries bring in tons of food and water for evacuees but are prevented from delivering to evacuees by FEMA. FEMA prevents citizens from reaching distribution points and vice versa.
13. Texas: Media can’t find poor blacks in need of assistance they don't look hard enough.
Louisiana: Media focuses on poor blacks in need of assistance cause they were the victims. Believe your own eyes.
14. Texas: Coastal cities suffer some infrastructure damage, Mayors tell residents to stay away until ready for repopulation, no interference from federal officials.
Louisiana: New Orleans is destroyed, business community of NOLA convince Mayor to allow residents tio return home as another hurricane approaches.
15. Louisiana: Unknown number killed by storm and flooding. Brownie and Bush's negligence is criminal.
Texas: 24 killed in bus accident on highway during evacuation, 4storm related deaths.
16. Texas: Jailed prisoners are relocated to other detention facilities outside the storm area.
Louisiana: Jailed prisoners get free.
17. Texas: Local and state officials work with FEMA and Red Cross in recovery operations.
Louisiana: FEMA obstructs Local and state officials from aiding in recovery operations.
18. Texas: Mayor of Galveston demonstrates leadership in managing disaster areas. Mayor of Houston does not.
Louisiana: The President, Chertoff and Brown fail to demonstrate leadership as is stipulate by the National Response Plan, requirin state government to draft former FEMA Director to manage disaster areas
19. Texas: Fuel deliveries can't keep up with demand, some run out of gas on highway, need help from fuel tankers before storm arrives.
Louisiana: Motorists flee from affected areas and are stranded wait till storm hits and electrical power fails.
20. Texas: Galveston Mayor moves citizens out of danger. Houston Mayor tells residents that evacuation is personal responsibility.
Louisiana: Mayor remains in city for weeks, but moves his family to Dallas.
21. Texas: Mayors continue public service announcements and updates on television with Governor's backing and support in hindsight of previous disaster.
Louisiana: Mayor cusses, governor cries, senator threatens president with violence on television, afterall the Federal Governement doesn't give a damn... look at the people in Mississippi and Alabama who still don't have enough food.
22. Louisiana: Democratic Senator says FEMA was slow in responding to 911 calls from Louisiana citizens.
Texas: Republican Senator says "when you call 911, the phone doesn't ring in Washington cause there's only an answering machine, FEMA was an entitlement program before Dubya arrived" now its just a strawman to make people think they are safe.