Post from a listserv I subscribe to. Presented for your comment.
After attending some of the large protests in USA and speaking to some of the participants, I can confidently state that there is a fundamental difference between these protests and the Vietnam protests.
While those were carried out by people with conviction and with an intention to bring change, these days are protests are like carnivals. People join these rallies so they can say they were at a protest. There are even groups which organize classes on how to be like Gandhi and wage civil disobedience, while in reality, they obediently stick to the rules and stay within the Orwellian "First Amendment Zones."
Those in power (from the Republican side) have figured this out and allocate a separate day, time, and place for the members of the "Angry Left" to vent their spleens. They know that the harmless people will "protest" as per the rules laid down, scream some slogans, and go back to live according to even more rules and will respect authority.