Oh and feel free to use
The system is broken so the following comments are meant to help in this. 1.- If software is to be used, this has to be open source LINUX with no back doors. The GEMS database currently in use has way too many security breaches (backdoors) one of which was identified by DHS before the election. 2.- Whether software is used or not, a verifiable paper trail is critical in any election, and so long as we don't have one, we cannot verify elections 3.- Secretaries of State cannot hold a partisan post in the election committee of any candidate, as it happened in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004. Preferably Secretaries of Sates should be non political posts elected by the people. (Yes I am aware that this is not an issue that the commotion can have much to do with, as this is a states rights issue, but it needs to be raised) 4.- If computer equipment is to be used, this has to be run by the States, not companies. The problem with companies is their affiliation with K Street. 5.- My preferred method for elections is a NATIONAL system using only paper, with transparent boxes and indelible ink. Due to the weaknesses in computer networks, they have more ways from here to Sunday for fraud than the ever so popular ballot stuffing... moreover, the way current databases work, there is no way to actually verify votes. So my preference is the old fashioned paper and pen... with common forms across the nation. there are many models that could be used... across the world, and will also lower the equipment cost. 6.- Sequoia, Diebold and their ilk are actually tied to the Republican Party and statements such as we will deliver OH before the General Election have made them untrustworthy and all equipment and machines should be decertified with the companies reimbursing the states. This equipment cannot be developed by private companies, but this has to belong to we the people, as we are paying for the goods and services. this means the end of proprietary software and equipment. Oh and all equipment and software must be the same across the country. Oh and elections are not a business but the purview of democracy. In closing, there is little trust in the system right at the moment. Hence these fixes cannot be cosmetic but have to be quite serious. Otherwise we are risking more than just a lack of trust in elections,