is "effing" hilarious. This is a post about the now "formal" SEC investigation of Frist. They blame it on the Democrats, without realizing that the SEC Director is a guy appointed by the pretzledent.
But the most amazing of all is the guy ranting like Bob Boudelang. Makes me think he's really a DU mole. The "stuck on stupid" mentality of these people is frightening.
Wish I could post the guys entire rant, but here's a sample
I know what will be said. "We should not accept "Clintonian" skirting of the law from our politicians." I agree with that noble notion, hell, who wouldn't? But, does that mean we start with the Republicans. Hey, lets just clean out those corrupt Republican politicians and then we will trust that the good and gracious democrat party to go next, to clean up their own acts and resign their leadership positions? WAKE UP!!!! The dems never resign and never admit doing anything wrong. As we speak there are many democrat congressman (Mr. Jefferson from Louisiana are you there?) under investigation for actual wrongdoing, i.e. crimes. But, do we hear about them? No, we don't. To the democrats, cleaning up politics is a one way street and just proves that all this DeLay crap is just the latest democrat tactic to do by trick what they can't do at the polls.
The democrats want to talk Ethics!!!! The democrats are blocking the House ethics panel from meeting. Oh gee, wonder fyucking why? Could it be because first up on the ethics panel agenda is to find out why a democrat congressman was taping private phone conversations of the Republican leadership? Could it be so that the dems can just raise baseless charges (its the seriousness of the charges afterall) without affording the accused due process? Naaaah, not our good ethical friends on the other side of the aisle.
Secondly, the Republicans better bring the guns to this fight and soon. The democrats have now indicated that they will simply not accept any election results that don't put them in power. By hook or crook they are determined to regain power. This indictment is pure BS and they know it. This is the latest tactic by the dems, namely, to get local, elected prosecutors to drum up whatever BS charges they can and indict. Oh, and it is not limited to politicians. You think that prosecutor in Florida isn't drumming up shyt against Rush Limbaugh? What about Rove? Come on, anyone see a pattern.