Edited on Wed Oct-08-03 12:30 AM by homelandpunk
Colin Powell has written an op ed piece saying we all MUST read the Kay report. All the justification is there, if we just read it, dammit. Kay is whining that his report is not getting covered properly in the media. From my understanding the key smoke-and- mirrors phrase in that report is "weapons of mass detruction programs-related activities" (haha - that is funny in and of itself)....but the way they are hyping it, with Ingraham and Hannity using their "I'm fucking serious" voices, you'd think the goddamn thing had some proof, but if you listen to their rant or read Colon's prop-ed piece, it's all just a lot of words with "botulism" mixed in. It's puff. But it is such puff, HOW the do they take themselves seriously when they hype it? They act as if they are looking at flyover spy pictures of Cuba from '62 with the way they are treating this. Kay is a pro-Bush top spook, and so we got a real honest assesment of what was REALLY found? Sheee-it.... The paragraphs and sentences are CIA massaged for the "red lights and alarms" to jump off the pages, but it comes down to this: Saddam had weapons in his country, and that was bad. In other words, Iraq could not have ANY weapons like any other country can maintain for sovereign self defense, and they could not research weapons, like any other country can, and will, and does. If any trace of any or the above is documented, BANG, there is the proof of "Weapons-Of-Mass- Destruction-Programs-Related-Activies" (and don't you snicker and scoff and go thinking that ain't the same thing as verified physical WMD found in copious amounts in active warheads on launchpads, along with papertrails of vials of unpronouncable plagues sent to al Qaeda and America's terrorist foes! Cuz it is EXACTLY the same thing. Kinda). Kay's report would have us believe a nation with minimum, inadequate self defense weapons was actually a moneyed, powerful terrorist juggernaut teeming with doomsday scientist's laboring in a fevered pitch to meet the deadlines of the maniacal dictator, evil evil evil Saddam. Kee-riced.... I would love to hear Blix's response to the Kay report. Or Scott Ritters take on it. Anyone hear anything?