Assuming that he is "elected," and right now with only 25% of the votes counted, that's STILL an assumption, I am telling you now that "Pawn"old (pronounced Paaaaaaaaahhh-nowld) will end up being one of the most right-wing, neocon governors in the nation.
Despite his "moderate" stances during the campaign, just like GW Bush, he will have no say on what goes on in his administration. He will be told what to do, what to say, and when to do and say it by his "handlers." These handlers will be very similar to Karl Rove and Dick Cheney (they might even be controlled by Rove and Cheney) - extremely right-wing and politically vicious. It will be they who are running the show.
I see a pattern here. The repugs throw up a dumb figurehead, who then is immediately embraced by the media as "likeable." They tell you he's likeable over and over and over and over again. This pawn of the neocons then talks a moderate game during the campaign in order to convince the swing voters to vote for him. He then either wins the election or makes it close enough for them to steal.
This has a mythological/historical precedent - The Trojan Horse. These pawns of the neo-cons are the horse. They look great on the surface, but deep within their belly they are carrying PNAC-loving neocons, who will be unleashed upon us as soon as we let the Trojan Horse in. The media gladly plays the role of Sinon, the tearful liar who fooled Troy into taking in the horse.
In this story, I often feel like Cassandra, seeing the truth but having none believe. In fact, there are many Cassandras in this tale. Greg Palast is probably the most notable one.
What do we do now to keep our nation from being destroyed?
Many have said that California will be okay, because they still have Bustamonte as Lt Governor and a democratic majority in the legislature. This worries me even more.......now when things get bad (and they will) they can point the finger at Bustamante and the rest of the Dems. The media will do it's best to convince everybody that this is so.
Don't believe me? Look at the recall. A vast majority of California's woes are due to their former Repug governor, Pete Wilson, deregulating the energy policy and Enron and the other energy companies exploiting this. The two politicians that fought the hardest to fight this problem are the ones who just got "voted" down by the very people whom they tried to protect. Why? The media blamed the whole problem on them, and at least half of the voters fell for it.
The same thing could happen to the Dems who remain in power there. In their rightful attempt to stop the neocons, the media will blame all of the upcoming problems on them for being "obstructionists." Pawnold will exclaim that it's not his fault, because his Lt Governor and the legistlature wouldn't let him do everything he wanted to do. He'll say that if he could have put all of "his" plans into action, they wouldn't have these problems.
This is bad, very bad. What now do we do to stop the destruction of our country as we know it? Karl Rove now controls the electoral process in California. He is the one counting the votes in 2004. That is assuming that Pawnold wins, and as I just updated 1/3 of the votes are counted and the recall vote is steadily getting closer.
I really don't know the answers or what to do. They have the money, power, the media, and they are the ones counting the votes with no oversight (as yet - good luck Bev). I need to sleep on this, and maybe in the morning things won't seem so dim. In the meantime, I'm open to suggestions on what we can do, because I certainly don't know yet.
However, we need to start taking action now. If we don't, it's going to be too late, and we will have lost forever. I'm sorry that the tone of this post is very depressing, but it seems to be the reality, and we need to take the gloves off now and fight.