Please tell me how it came to this? I'm not referring to the blood-thirsty money-hungry power-insatiable administration, (but how 'bout that huh?) Not even talking about the stolen election, immoral war, profiteering (halliburton- blackwater) torture, & of course the seduction of poorest, most vulnerable among us to BE cannon fodder for this seemingly inhuman regime.
No, today I'm just wondering about the AFTERMATH-OF-KATRINA, asking somebody s-o-m-e-w-h-e-r-e to tell me how we have come to the point where we see our own moms&dads brothers & sisters, grandparents, c-h-i-l-d-r-e-n, suffer so long, so hard, some finally dying, then, floating in the streets and....and then...nothing, or C.Y.A. -WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE? The only news is: what will it COST? where will the MONEY come from? IT really _is_ all anyone cares about isn't it? The greasy filthy piece of green paper means far more than the flesh & blood that lay rotting in southern states today....doesn't it? WTF?????
Help me because I can't understand, do people think this coudn't happen to them? Is that it? Is it that corporate media have been the "haves" so long that they can't even i-m-a-g-i-n-e what it's like? Don't want to? The "have-nots" don't have a voice, not even have a representative voice do they?
Seen some apathy, but thought this would be different, so far it's not. I am truly at a loss.