It seems we are paranoid as a culture, and afraid of those who are most alike ourselves. IN that sense, the bush paranoid racists are afraid of China and Russia. Russia because they are just like the czar himself at the beginning of the 20th century, unaware of the pestilence repressing the serfs will bring. And they are like china, as they are a collusion of corrupt clans, a loose federation of mafia bosses, who are as opaque as a people's central committee. And though the language may be different, the approach and intents are the same, to repress dissent, control the population, and erode sovereign indivdiuality as the ultimate threat to state totalitarianism.
And like the CCCP, corporate truth( PRAVDA) is the new order, as disseminated by the state media outlets. Were not the russian people a bit cynical about the "truth"? Like russia, and underground of persons aware of the real truth abides, but is under the hate-war of the supreme soviet himself bushwack the ignorant.
And most like himself, osama bin laden, bush is a suicide bomber, destroying everything inside his corruption laden global party of systemic war and racial economic apartheid. The other 5.7 billion persons on the planet will help out with the propaganda problem in keeping the insane-usa from having another psychotic war episode.