Edited on Wed Oct-08-03 01:05 AM by fujiyama
I would first of all like to definetely extend some of my respect to those that worked to try to defeat this recall. I also want you people to keep fighting the good fight. The main battle is a year from now.
I was extremely bitter in the other thread claiming that CA is full of idiots. I would like to say, definetely not all people that voterd there are idiots. Actually the difference between the YES and NO seems to be floating around +/- 300K votes...and while that may be a difference of some 10%, 300K voters is not an absolutely huge difference. Also considering that many people were simply angry at Davis for being the incumbent (he was definetely in the wrong plaCE at the wrong time, and basically took the hit for Bush's horrible policies, etc), it seems as though this was the best that could be done.
Also state elections are a lot less partisan than national elections. Many states have Repug governors but elected Gore, and vice versa. I don't think this means Bush will all of a sudden necessarily win the state next year.
There are some worries I have though. The GOP has done a good job in terms of turnout and registering voters, though unlike many predictions, there was not a very large number of new voters.
It may be the case, I started this thread to make myself feel better. I'm sure many here can understand. And that said, I'm going to go to bed and remember that this fight is far from over.