Disgusting! Now I am a Christian as are some others here on this board, so I mean no offense. But I was flipping the channels this morning and what do I see? The shining face of Mr. Innocent Tom DeLay, right there on the 700 Club, plain as day, blabbing away his ridiculous, outrageous, lying mouth at how partisan this all is, how awful the DA of Travis County is, and how "the American people know I'm innocent and the judge will throw it out immediately." Robertson said something like, "The DA would LIKE to hold you as long as possible to do the most damage he can."
Then of course, in classic Robertson style, Robertson says in an empathetic voice, "Well Tom, we're all behind you. We're all praying for you." Come again? We are supposed to pray FOR the evil now? Isn't that what Jesus told us NOT to do, but rather fight AGAINST the evil and always check things out?
And then, the most disgusting, most vile misuse of God I've ever heard in my life. Tom DeLay then went on to quote a little ditty from some book about how God helps us through adversity. Robertson was happy about that of course. And the * supporting Christians no doubt swooned all over it. "Oh, Tom DeLay, he's a CHRISTIAN. He MUST be innocent." YEAH RIGHT!
Forget that Tom DeLay has been admonished three times for ethics violations. Forget that the man fired several people from that ethics committee that would possibly have gotten him in trouble, basically disbanding that committee. And forget that the man he's attacking so hard (Travis County DA Ronnie Earl) has indicted a grand total of THREE repugs verses TWELVE Democrats. Sure sure, Ronnie is soooooo partisan, eh Tommie Boy!
Point blank: the man is out of control; he has WAY too much power; and THIS TIME he's going down. And ultimately Pat Robertson will have to eat crow. The other side of this story is how DeLay and other repugs have used the name of God for their own sordid gain, but that's a WHOLE 'nuther topic.
Pat Robertson, Christians, *-worshipping repugs - OPEN YOUR EYES MAN!! The guy is a CRIMINAL! He is a LYING CROOK! Using Christianity for his own gain! They've fooled you! Don't get fooled again!