Perfect example of wasted time, energy and the absurd lack of focus that always insists we eat our own: Norah Ephron's op ed yesterday in New York Times. Whole thing devoted to how she Fell Out of Love with Bill Clinton and Can Never Love (read trust, not coitus) Him Again. This at a time when our totally Right Wing Gummint has screwed over Louisiana and much of Mississippi with malfeasance and corruption so obvious that even MSM has gone on the attack. This at a time when Delay and Frist are in deep deep do do, the chickens are coming home to roost at the Pentagon (Larry Franklin and AIPAC) and Plamegate, gas prices are through the roof , Bush ratings in the toilet, and consumer confidence has plummeted.
And Norah Ephron wastes our time with how pissed off she was with CLINTON for "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (1992) and his inability to come out against the Iraq War!! OF COURSE these are valid criticisms. But NOW?...with all that lovely rotten Republican fruit to pick? Jeeez! And what gives with the New York Times for printing the piece? (Librul Media my butt.) I'm assuming that Ms. Ephron is a Democrat. If I'm wrong, then , in the immortal words of Emily Litella, "Never Mind."