Is anyone actually surprised by Jackboot’s comments? After all we are talking about the bright star of the Religious Right, who continually uses Catholicism as his platform to disseminate his base intolerance. Anyone who has listened to his tripe, knows his rhetoric overflows with cries of shoot ‘em, hang ‘em, and behead ‘em. Compassion? HA! The mere mention of the word results only in laughter and snide remarks from this despicable excuse of a “man”.
Over the years, I have come to refer to Jackboots little gems as “Bennettisms.” Bennettisms include quotes such as “Casual drug users should be shot... Dealers should be beheaded… I have no moral problem with beheadings…”, “Hanging works.”, and of course “"Abort all black babies and crime will go down." The point is, hateful, ignorant sayings, did not just start popping out of this guy’s pie-hole yesterday. He has a following, that absolutely hangs on his every word, and a very rabid one at that.
Why? Is it because of the bloodlust he presents? Or is the attraction due to his being best friends with Rush Limbaugh? Is it his angry fight against needle exchange programs to reduce HIV infection? Maybe it’s because he constantly loves to cry for censorship at every level (except of course for those who can afford to purchase their free speech). Perhaps it’s because he is very active in trying to destroy the public education system through religious school vouchers. Who knows? This is a hypocritical, egomaniacal, bigoted, sad example of a human being.
Am I angered by the latest spouting off of this human garbage heap? Yes, of course. Surprised? Not in the least. However I am more than angry at the White Houses treatment of this. I am downright pissed off.
The White House released a statement saying that they thought that “Bennett’s comments were not appropriate.” Not appropriate? How about despicable, racist and foul? Not appropriate? WHY? Because he made them in public instead of at a closed door Republican fund raiser? No sane person goes on national radio, and talks about aborting all black babies without knowing that he was creating a shit storm, and all the White House can conjure up is “Not Appropriate?” Fuck you Bush. Fuck you and the pink pony your fake cowboy ass rode in on. You want an appropriate response? How about starting out with “The President thinks that guy is a crazy, despicable piece of shit and wants nothing to do with him.” And then get mean.
OK, stop. Stop. Let me take a deep breath and collect my composure.
Back to Billy Jackboot, it seems that winger apologists are already crawling out of the woodwork to defend this troglodyte. To those I must ask, how does it feel? How does it feel to be that much of a whore? On second thought, please don’t tell me, if I knew I would most likely need to have the sleeze blasted off of me with a fire hose, and scrubbed down with a wire brush dipped in Clorox.
To those apologists, I simply say FUCK YOU. Yes, all of you. Hannity, Rush. OReilly. Fuck all of you and your listeners. Bennett said that his real point was that using abortion to reduce crime would be morally reprehensible. Just how does one exactly go from that, to "ALL BLACK BABIES SHOULD BE ABORTED"? I am absolutely offended that he and other Right Wing pundits like him, find it so easy to reach for such an example, just to make some sort of rhetorical point, and somehow reduce the complexities into the simple equation of black equals criminal. Watch out, America! Scary black folk are coming to rape your women and steal your TV! While living off your tax dollars!
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this either. This has been the cornerstone of the GOP's strategy for the past 60 years - from Emmett Till to MLK to Watts Race Riots to Welfare Queens to Willie Horton. Also add the “LOOTING BLACK PEOPLE IN NEW ORLEANS” to the list as well.
How are you going to respond America?